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Course for nurses in safe handling and administration of cytotoxic drugs; grief treatment; courses in oncology; craft training for schoolchildren. LäraNära is the premier platform for online education — everything from instructional films to specialist training. Here you can read about some of our collaborations.


Regionalt Cancercentrum

Safe handling and administration of cytotoxic drugs. This highly successful course has been taken by more than one thousand nurses in cancer care over the past ten years. It covers both the clinical aspects of training as well as the work environment within cytostatic treatment. The course is given by the Regional Cancer Center in Gothenburg, the Regional Cancer Center Stockholm-Gotland, as well as various clinics all over Sweden.

Københavns Professionshøjskole

In Denmark, University College Copenhagen (Københavns Professionshøjskole) has for many years now given a course in safe handling and administration of cytotoxic drugs for Danish nurses (similar to the Swedish course mentioned above). With over a hundred participants a year it has become a de facto standard in the country.

Lund University provides courses for doctors and nurses in radiation therapy as well as credited courses in oncology for prospective contact nurses.
See Flexible Training for more information.

The Anatomy and Physiology course is available in both English and Swedish and is part of Varian's “Access to Care” education program. Contact us for additional information.

Consensum provides a number of different specialist courses in various healthcare fields as part of their Higher Vocational Education.
They also offer courses for adults (KonVux) such as Health and Healthcare Education as well as Childcare Education.

Palliativt utvecklingscentrum

Palliative Development Center in the City of Lund, offers education, courses, seminars and conferences in general and specialized palliative care.
They have chosen LäraNära for trainings and as registration platform for their participants.